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What kids wish they could talk to their parents about


Health * Sex * School * Grades * Popularity * War

 * Graduation * Cars * Money * Happiness

 * Career Choices * Financial aid * Jobs * Insurance costs

 * Life direction  * Politics * Sports * Looks * Censorship

 * Meeting new people * Religion * Dating violence * Drugs *

Alcohol * Sexually transmitted diseases * Infidelity * Trust *

Unwanted Pregnancy *  Divorce * Death * Conflict * Finances

* Siblings in military * Illness of family or friends *

 * Sibling issues including violence *

 Honest talk * Being heard without judgment *



*This information came from a survey completed by 97 students (9th through 12th grade) at a Long Beach, California High School during the 2004-2005 school year for more specifics on the survey, please click on 97 High School Students

Copyright 1988 | Dynamic Impressions- Kathleen Dickinson, CGA

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All Rights Reserved | Dynamic Impressions-Kathleen Dickinson, CGA                                                       Created By Greg Stover